Vote for the topic that you would like to learn about next in the MusicHub Academy!
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Question 1
Choose as many as you like
- KeyAPitching your music: to online and print media
- KeyBSynch placements: your music in TV shows/films
- KeyCVisual branding: graphic design, logo, press photos etc.
- KeyDPitching your music: to podcasts
- KeyEBrand partnerships: getting in contact with brands
- KeyFEvents: advice on where to go as an independent artist
- KeyGBuilding your brand and strengthening your identity
- KeyHInfluencer marketing: finding and working with influencers
- KeyILive booking: finding a booking agent, getting booked without an agent
- KeyJCommunity: building a loyal fanbase, email marketing and mailing lists
- KeyKPitching your music: to radio
- KeyLOther
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